
Google Glass app identifies friends by their clothing - compoorwastincer

Researchers at Duke University stimulate demonstrated what could be the front app for Google Glass—and yes, it's a trifle bit creepy.

Dubbed InSight, the system recognizes people past the clothing they wear, so someone using Google's high-tech glasses could option out friends in a gang even if their backs are turned. As New Scientist reports, the system is partly funded by Google, and was demonstrated closing week at a engineering science conference in Georgia.

InSight's research paper [PDF] offers more inside information. The system requires friends to have a companion app on their smartphones that takes "a few opportunist pictures" while the substance abuser is doing ordinary things, such as checking e-mail and browsing the Network. These photos create a "self-fingerprint" of the person's vesture, which give the sack be shared with Google Glass users via Bluetooth or the Internet. At that channelis, Google Glass could match the clothing it sees against the system's database of self-fingerprints.

The paper describes past possible methods to improve accuracy, such American Samoa snapping a short video to settle a person's "question vector." Also, once the system of rules recognizes someone, it can add info to the fingerprint, making that person even easier to recognize in a crowd.

google glass insight InSight
How InSight works: Bob's phone announces his name and fingerprint to the vicinity; Alice's phone computes fingerprints from her glass, matches them against those received from the neck of the woods, and recognizes Bob.

Expedient or creepy?

The privacy implications of an app that mechanically takes pictures of citizenry for designation purposes are not lost on Duke's researchers. The newspaper publisher discusses how users could choose to take photos of themselves manually, or postulate approval of whatsoever photos that are taken automatically.

In whatsoever case, the system of identifying citizenry by their clothing seems like an exposit workaround for straight-up facial credit, which could be more functional, but would also beryllium a lot creepier. I could imagine a clothing-based recognition system organism useful for remembering the diagnose of someone you met at a party earlier in the even. (Of course, getting to the point where Google Glassful is acceptable at social functions is some other go forth entirely.)

Brainwave seems to be the first Glass application aside a third-party to be discussed publically. Although about developers take talked in encompassing strokes about their Glass plans, we've heard few specifics. Google itself revealed specific features for the device only a few weeks ago, and has enforced strict nondisclosure agreements for the developer events information technology has hosted.

At the minute, Tras prototypes are available only to developers, but Google plans to sell the $1500 prototypes to a handful of users who fanny prove they'll put Glass in to satisfactory employ. The finished product will arrive late this year priced at subordinate $1500.


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