
How To Create Domain In Windows 8.1

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Dell 755, 64 bit and 32 bit, 2-4 Gb ram, reformatted into Windows 8.1 won't join the domain. 3 machines went in no problem but then I get a message "network path not found". I put a brand new DC, checked all DNS, DHCP, and DC settings and all look correct. I can ping the router and get replies. Just beginning the troubleshooting process, I thought we had a problem with the DC so I put a brand new one in.

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14 Replies


I have that occasionally and have to put in the full domain name.  Most of the time just washington works but occasionally i need to use


Can you ping your DC using the FQDN? Make sure your Windows 8.1 workstation connect to your network using Ethernet connection instead of WiFi. We had problem with join 8.1 workstation through WiFi connection before, though I am not sure why. Maybe you can change your primary DNS to your router, and secondary DNS to your DC.

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 15:32 UTC

they are hardwired and we put in our FQDN to join. some of the nic's have one green light and one flashing amber and some have flashing amber only but there is no pattern

SteveFL This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 15:35 UTC

NetAdminWorld is an IT service provider.

I am sure you have verified this, but I'll ask anyway.  Is this Win 8.1 or 8.1 PRO?  Granted, if it's not a Pro version, joining a domain is not even an option, but...

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 15:47 UTC

these are desktop machines, pro v


I ran across this same scenario last week.  For us there was a problem with the NIC.  Have you tried doing a winsock reset?  You may want to give that a try and after the reboot see if you can join the domain.

JoeWilliams This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 15:59 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Yin wrote:

Can you ping your DC using the FQDN? Make sure your Windows 8.1 workstation connect to your network using Ethernet connection instead of WiFi. We had problem with join 8.1 workstation through WiFi connection before, though I am not sure why. Maybe you can change your primary DNS to your router, and secondary DNS to your DC.

The DC should be the only DNS server on the client. The router has no idea where the domain controllers for the domain are.

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 16:27 UTC

could it be 15 NIC cards? these machines were working until we reformatted into 8.1 then none would would join the domain. Thinking it was a DC problem I put a new DC in and then 3 went in super fast then strange!!

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 16:28 UTC

they were in Windows 8 then instead of upgrading we did fresh installs of 8.1

Kevin Benjamin

Any chance that Windows firewall is blocking the connection?

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 18:53 UTC

turned off, I'm wondering if I need to update the NIC driver? Grasping at straws at this point. The box gets an ip address they won't join the domain.


Is it 8.1 Professional? that would make a difference.

Hippeeatheart This person is a Verified Professional
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May 20, 2014 at 21:13 UTC

yes, it is 8.1 Professional

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How To Create Domain In Windows 8.1


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