This simple tutorial explains how to draw a tree in four steps. The examples are of a tree without leaves where all of the small branches are visible.

Tree drawing step by step
Tree cartoon step by stride

A tree like the i in this tutorial is non very complicated to draw but tin can have some patience in social club to go over all of information technology's small branches.

Pace 1 – Brand a Basic Line Sketch

Tree shape sketch
Tree shape sketch

To beginning the tree cartoon you lot can simply brand a few lines to indicate the general directions of information technology's trunk and some of it's larger branches.

Footstep 2 – Describe the Body & Big Branches

Tree trunk and branches drawing
Tree trunk and large branches drawing

Now describe out the bodily shapes of the body and larger branches of the tree.

By and large the trunk and branches get progressively thinner as they go towards the peak and so be sure to continue this in mind when cartoon. You also want to add together some bumps and fairly sharp twists here and at that place to brand the branches await more natural.

Step 3- Draw the Smaller Branches

Tree line drawing
Tree line drawing

Add the smaller branches to finish the line drawing.

Y'all will need to add together quite a few small branches for the tree to look natural. If you are making a fairly small drawing similar the one in this example you lot can draw the smallest branches with just ane line each which tin can make things a lilliputian faster and easier. Too annotation that while they exercise curve in slightly different directions overall the small branches tend to sort of "fan out" around the tree and then describe accordingly.

Pace 4 – Finish the Drawing past Applying Shading

Tree drawing
Tree drawing

Finally y'all tin shade in the tree to brand information technology look a piffling bit more realistic.

For this example nosotros volition apply some very basic shading making the tree slightly darker on the right side to show that the calorie-free is coming from the upper left of the drawing.

You can add a bit of a gradient for the larger branches and the trunk. For the smaller branches simply endeavor and shade them slightly lighter on the left side of the drawing and darker on the right.

Once you are washed with the shading you should have a finished drawing of a tree.


This is a fairly simple tutorial that focuses on drawing a tree with no leaves. For drawing leaves on a branch meet:

  • How to Draw a Tree Co-operative With Leaves
  • How to Draw a Sunflower Stride past Step