Creating a Scaled Drawing

Inside a grouping, yous can use a scale to a 2d drawing and so that all geometry in that group reflects the selected calibration. This geometry includes all native LayOut entity types. Even so, when you apply this scale, group entities such equally text, labels, and dimensions retain their original backdrop, such every bit line and font size.

As a upshot, yous can draw to scale and arrange that scale in LayOut without having to do a lot of mental math.

The following sections explain how to create and edit a scaled drawing. Y'all besides find tips for using the scaled drawing feature with SketchUp viewports and imported CAD files.

Table of Contents
  1. Creating a scaled cartoon
  2. Editing a scaled drawing
  3. Working with SketchUp viewports and CAD files

Creating a scaled cartoon

In a LayOut, a scaled cartoon must be in a group. You tin can create a group for a scaled drawing in ii ways:

  • Create the group beginning and then start drawing.
  • Offset drawing and create a group from selected entities.

Tip: If you mistakenly employ the wrong scale to a grouping, use the Remove Calibration control to undo your work and offset over. Although you can choose a new scale to ready the error, know that this volition resize your geometry. In other words, geometry never resizes when the kickoff scale is applied; withal, later you lot apply the first scale, changing the scale does resize the geometry.

To begin with a scaled cartoon group, follow these steps:

  1. Select Window > Scaled Drawing.
  2. In the Scaled Drawing panel that appears, click Brand Scaled Drawing.
  3. Choose a scale.
  4. (Optional) From the Length drop-down list, choose Decimal, Architectural, Engineering science, or Fractional. Depending on your option, y'all might be able to choose a unit, such equally meters or feet.
  5. Using the drawing tools, begin creating your drawing, and LayOut applies the scale yous selected, as shown in the following effigy.
  6. When you're done, double-click with the Select tool anywhere in the drawing area that's outside the scaled drawing context. Or press the Esc key.
To create a scaled drawing from scratch in LayOut, use the Scaled Drawing panel

If you've already started a cartoon and want to turn what you've drawn into a scaled drawing, follow these steps:

  1. Select the entities that vest in the scaled drawing.
  2. Context-click the selection and select Make Group from the submenu that appears.
  3. Context-click the new group, cull Scale, and so select a scale from the submenu that appears, as shown in the following figure.
In LayOut create a scaled drawing from existing geometry.

Editing a scaled drawing

To edit the entities in a scaled drawing, you lot but need to open up the group'southward context. (See Group Entities for details.)

You lot can too modify the scale by selecting the scaled cartoon's group entity so selecting options from the Scaled Drawing panel.

Tip: Think that, afterwards you use a calibration, choosing a new scale will alter the size of the geometry.

Working with SketchUp viewports and CAD files

A SketchUp viewport can't be in a scaled group. If you lot want to use the scaled drawing feature to draw over a SketchUp viewport, you lot need to lock the viewport on a split layer. Then, on a new layer over the viewport, you can create a scaled cartoon.

If yous import a CAD file into LayOut, y'all might be able to adjust the calibration of your imported data to fit your LayOut certificate. Remember that the dotted line effectually a grouping indicates a scaled cartoon, and yous tin can see the current calibration when the scaled drawing group is selected, equally shown in the post-obit effigy.

In LayOut create a scaled drawing from existing geometry.