This step by step tutorial shows an piece of cake manner to draw a pine in a drawing fashion. It includes a total of six steps with drawing examples and explanations for each.

Pine tree drawing step by step
Pine tree drawing footstep by stride

It's recommended that you utilise a pencil for at least the showtime 4 steps of this tutorial and draw fairly low-cal lines. This will make information technology easier to fix any potential mistakes.

Footstep i – Draw the Shapes of the Branches

Pine tree branches drawing
Pine tree branches drawing

A pine tree like the ane in this instance is similar to a stack of cones that get larger towards the bottom. Start the drawing going peak to bottom with sets of curved lines that ascertain these "cones". These will exist the outer shapes of the branches.

If you desire to make sure that both halves of the tree are relatively equal in width y'all can depict a vertical line down its middle to help you and erase information technology later.

Stride two – Depict the Underside of the Branches

Pine tree shape drawing
Pine tree shape drawing

Now draw the under sides of the branches with a few more than sets of curved lines.

Pace 3 – Draw the Bottom of the Tree

Pine tree outline drawing
Pine tree outline drawing

To finish the superlative part of the pine tree add the outer shape of the bottom branches. Draw these as zigzags that sort of fan out from the center of the tree. Brand the branches virtually the middle indicate more downwards and the branches to the sides near signal more sideways.

Step 4 – Draw the Body

Pine tree trunk drawing
Pine tree trunk cartoon

Add the torso with but a couple lines. Describe it slightly wider towards the bottom.

Step 5 – Finish the Line Drawing

Pine tree line drawing
Pine tree line cartoon

To finish the line drawing add some more branches inside the main shape of the tree. Again draw the these pointing more downwards near the center and more sideways near the sides (once again think of a fan).

When y'all finish drawing all of the details of the pine tree go over information technology with darker pencil lines or a black pen or marker.

Step 6 – Colour the Pine Tree

Pine tree drawing
Pino tree cartoon

You lot can employ whatever you prefer to color the tree (paints, markers or colored pencils). Brand the acme light-green and the torso brown.


A cartoon way pine tree similar this ane is fairly easy to draw. Simply recollect of its shape as stack of cones that get bigger towards the bottom. Yous can add more cones if y'all desire a taller tree.

For drawing a deciduous tree run across:

  • How to Describe a Tree Step past Step
  • How to Describe a Palm Tree Step by Stride
  • How to Depict a Mushroom Step by Footstep
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  • How to Depict a Log Footstep by Step